Thai yoga massage is a dynamic form of bodywork that developed in Thaïland
about 2000 to 2500 years ago. This massage combines the use of postures
as we see in yoga, streching the muscles and ligamensts and acupressure.
The massage looks somewhat like a graceful dance between giver and receiver.
The giver uses the full body to do the massage, most notably hands,
forearms, ebbows, feet, knees….
The premis behind the massage is connected to deeper philosophical understandings
that are shared by many eastern traditions. There is no separation of
body, mind, emotions or spirit.
Healing in thaï massage occurs by raching into the roots of the
problem and understanding that everything is interconnected –
an inviolable web of energy that can be accessed by receiver and giver
alike and channelled skilfully through touch, movement, breath, intent
and profound relatedness.