Our Network of Translators
is at your disposal

for quick efficient services
in the most diversified areas

Languages :

French, English, German, Spanish, Italian, Polish, Bulgarian.

A translator whose mother tongue is the target language will carry out the work. For example : if you wish to receive a document in polish we will have your original translated by a Polish translator.

Our experience :

We have experience in:
- standard and technical text.
- various professions: marketing, business, technical, tourism, agriculture, literature, journalism, ecology, music, art.
- a variety of documents: literary works, theses, studies, articles, Web sites, catalogues, conferences, documents...
- on powerful machines: Pentium PC, Macintosh, printouts to laser printers or colour printers.





Tél : 00 34 617 550 584
Fax : 00 34 971 194 981
Email :contact@ibistarproductions.com

Musique de Jag
Photos et vidéos : Perlin, Leilam, Y. Paradis, P. Constandopoulos